
Are You a "Seedy" Character?

Looking at a yard that was not in great shape, I wondered what would happen if we took a small bucket of grass seed and dumped it all in one spot? Eventually, how would that look? Some of the seed would sprout and look good, some would never grow. How would others view what was happening? If we took that same seed and broadcast it in a wider part of the yard, much more of the seed would be more likely to grow. It would more easily retain the moisture, support the growth of the other grass, and improve its area in the yard. How would things change if we brought another bucket of grass seed to our surrounding yards? With the second bucket, there would be overlap so the seeds from both buckets would help each other. Are we, as Christ-followers, dumping our seed only in a concentrated area, ministering only to those in our immediate circles, or are we spreading the seed wide to ensure covering all the areas that need it? Shouldn’t we be spreading His Word in in a broader fashion in order t

"New Church" - Similar Ministries - Same Awesome God!!

We are often asked “How does it feel to be back at Northeastern?” Our answer is always the same - it feels good, it feels “right”. God has allowed us to come “full circle”, now ministering back where we began our missions’ journey. Although Northeastern has changed much in the last 20 years (as it should), it’s wonderful to be back “home” ministering at our sending church. Desiring to “give back” to our sending church, God has led us to participate in and with the following ministries: Rod & Susan - launched a GriefShare Ministry at Northeastern with another church member Rod & Susan - Small Groups - hosting/facilitating a weekly small group in our home - currently using the book “Respectable Sins” by Jerry Bridges Rod & Susan - assisting with Member Care Rod & Susan - Welcome Team - beefing up the Team; developing and implementing additional visitor follow-up; integrating new guests into Northeastern’s Church Family Rod - serving with the Building Committee Rod -

God Moves His Servants .... Once Again

And we’re on the move …. again!   A year ago, as God made it clear that our time serving in Colorado was drawing to a close, we asked God “what’s next?” He brought to us the realization that July 2024 would mark 20 years in full-time ministry. Following His leading, we are spending our last 2 years (2023 and 2024) serving in three of the churches that have supported us for our entire missionary journey. Two years out of 20 - a tithe - giving back to those who have so generously given to us.   We have said our goodbyes to our Calvary Family in Sault Ste. Marie and have made the move to Kalamazoo, MI to serve in our sending church, Northeastern Baptist Church . We’ve been a part of Northeastern’s Church Family for 35 years and count it a great privilege to have been their first “home-grown” commissioned missionaries, serving first in Portugal, then Colorado, and now back in Michigan. We’ve come full circle back where our journey began.   We covet your prayers as we settle in our next ap

Our Good God gives Good Gifts

God's Gifts in Sault Ste. Marie During our time of ministry in Sault Ste. Marie, God has given us these gifts: participating in and pouring into existing small groups presenting a church-wide training on becoming a more welcoming church, including the restructure and enhancement of our existing greeting team an enriching time in Ladies Ministries, as Susan has the privilege to lead the Ladies Group the deepening of mentoring relationships the completion of Phase 1 of a church survey of Calvary’s ministries continuing opportunities to love and pour into our Calvary Family building new and deepening existing relationships four Ladies Brunches - ladies who call Calvary “home” were invited to a time of fellowship - a whopping 75% of our ladies attended one or more of the brunches opportunities to freshen up, repair, and paint several areas in the church building continuing in ministry as we seek to finish strong impacting others for the cause of Christ Looking ahead: We have a few mor

Bragging on God ...

Northbridge Church—Kalamazoo, MI What a blessing to “brag on God” and rehearse His many blessings as Rod presented our missionary journey to Northbridge on July 23. It was a joy to see some long-time friends and celebrate God’s blessings with God’s people. Read More.....

Serving with Joy in the Soo

 Settled in the Soo ...  As of February 1, we were officially settled in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. God granted our desire to integrate quickly with our new church family. Our goal was to love them and love them well - and love them we do! In our short time here, God has also allowed us to: learn the ministries of the church serve Pastor Dave and his wife, Teresa meet with the elders and their wives and hear their hearts for ministry provide a “fresh set of eyes” towards the current church paradigms help the church leadership develop or evaluate methods and procedures currently not in place interview ministry leaders and document current methods and procedures suggest and help implement a new bulletin design implement a new church website (click HERE ) implement a new church database, mobile app, and more serve on the Worship Team help prepare Easter Music assist (boots on the ground) as needed Read MORE ....

God Moves His Servants

First - the GREAT News! You may remember our last prayer letter outlined the amazing ways God is using grief to draw people to Himself. We are excited to give you the AWESOME news that Lady #3 (from our October letter) is now a follower of Jesus ! In her words, “I feel lighter, I feel fuller than I ever have”. Praising God once again! Next - the SURPRISING News! There was a song that became popular in churches about 20 years ago called “Trust His Heart”. As we were thinking about writing this news, these lyrics came to mind: God is too wise to be mistaken God is too good to be unkind So when you don't understand When you don't see His plan When you can't trace His hand Trust His Heart God is leading us to leave South Holly Church - soon. We will finish our responsibilities here by Christmas, have our farewell dinner and say our goodbyes on January 8, and then be done serving at South Holly Church. This was not in our plan, nor was this our timing, but it is