Minha Esperança Portugal
Next month on December 8, 9, and 10, the entire country of Portugal will have the privilege of viewing Minha Esperança Portugal on national television during prime time hours. This evangelistic campaign, first launched in 2002, has been aired in over 50 countries around the world with staggering results. Believers are encouraged to invite unbelieving family, friends and neighbors to view the program in their home with them, while sharing a meal or snack and their own personal testimony. We (Rod and Susan) plan to have at least two groups in our home for this event - one group from Cant' Arruda, the community choir Susan works with, and the other group from the English class sponsored through our church. Please be in prayer for this event, and specifically for the ladies S, L, and A, members of Cant' Arruda. Please pray that they will accept the invitation to come and hear what God has done for them through this media presentation. They have bee...