
Showing posts from March, 2013

Final Entry - Monday

We have been in downtown Budapest since yesterday morning and have enjoyed our time sight-seeing, trying to teach Daniel to enjoy coffee, taking a lunch cruise on the Danube, walking in the rain, shopping and enjoying time together.  It has been cold and rainy, but the city is still impressive and very beautiful - especially at night with all the buildings lit!  The lunch cruise was a highlight.  Once we were seated in the correct section, we were treated like royalty! The kids spotted a restaurant that serves American breakfasts, so, at the kid's request, we are headed there for breakfast.  Then it's time to pack up, check out of the hostel and find a cab that will take 5 people and a bunch of luggage to the airport.  After checking in, we will have lunch at the airport and wait to board our 2:35 p.m. flight to the Czech Republic and on to Lisbon.  We are scheduled to arrive at 6:55 p.m. Lisbon time. For Rod and me, this has been a wonderful, memorable...

Quick Update - Sunday

THE CONCERTS WERE SPECTACULAR!  The performance in the Basilica was breathtaking, and the closing concert at the school was one of the most moving experiences in my life - in a GOOD way! Lots more details later, but now we are being picked up by a taxi in 15 minutes to be taken into the city to enjoy our hostel, and our lunch cruise on the Danube.  We have a full day planned in the city. We have some time tomorrow morning to sight see before we board the afternoon plane headed to Lisbon.  It has been a wonderful trip - God's blessings abound! Mrs. Henderson


Biggest highlight of the day: DANIEL GOT THE SOLO! Today we went sightseeing in the city in the morning. It was beautiful although very frigid. We were able to see Heroes Square which has different statues of the kings of Hungary. Before we headed to Heroes Square we stopped at a “hole in the wall” coffee shop. It was delicious. My Dad (Rod Henderson) said that it was way way better than Starbucks. In my opinion Portuguese coffee is still better, but the coffee we had today was pretty good. We did some other thing throughout the sightseeing but these are my personal favorites. Once we were finally done freezing while sightseeing, we headed back to the school for our final rehearsal before the two concerts on Sunday. When we first started rehearsal, Mr. Sawyer (our director) announced the solos for the piece Cornerstone , as previously stated Daniel got the solo. I loved to see the people’s faces when Daniel opened his mouth and began to sing.  It was a look of shock, awe, and...


Today was a very productive day. We started our morning with breakfast and worship. On our second day here, we have already made a couple of friends and met some great people. The director arranged the voices in each section separately and when we sang all together we sounded wonderful. We also had our first practice with the strings ensemble and it was glorious, like goose bumps glorious! After that, we rehearsed a little more and then we all went to the gym for a hoe down. It was very entertaining at first, but then everyone was just tired and sat down. But some brave and courageous people danced for a half hour. The night end well and we arrived at the hotel safely. Although it has been snowing and freezing like crazy, we are very thankful for this opportunity. Evelyn A note from Mrs. Henderson:  The kids are doing GREAT!  I am so very proud of the work they are doing and their friendliness towards others.  Daniel tried out for the male solo today, and he did...

Greetings from Budapest!

Our first day in action was excellent! The breakfast was really good, even though I asked for milk and the waiter served me tea. I do not like tea, but I decided to give a second chance – and it did not go so well. I was able to drink it all, even though it was tough. Then we headed to the school on the bus: it was snowing outside… and very, very cold too! Once we got to the school, we had a little time for worship and then we started a series of rehearsals that really made us exhausted. The lunch and the supper was great, and we met a lot of cool people! I wish you a good night! Daniel

From Budapest

Greater Lisbon Christian Academy's High School Ensemble is here in Budapest to participate in Western Europe's ACSI Honor's Choir.  Rod and Susan arrived safely with three high school students this afternoon and they have already enjoyed pizza and fellowship with students from Spain and the Ukraine.  Rehearsals begin tomorrow on the 10 pieces that Evelyn, Leah and Daniel (as well as the other 60 students) have been preparing diligently since January.  The 14 hours of rehearsals over the next 3 days will culminate with two concerts on Sunday.  Please pray for our students as they prepare and minister through music here in Budapest.