Day 7, 8, and 9
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were very, very full days - so no time to post. Friday the kids passed out fliers in the city of St. Wendell, where we had a concert in the evening. They also sang several times on the street to advertise our concert. I have lost track of how many times we have sung we have sung Betelehemu! Friday night's concert was "stellar"! That was my word to the kids afterwards. One of the men that Leah talked with on the street came to the concert and so enjoyed it! Leah's words "That made the trip for me - it's my highlight." This concert brought our only standing ovation. Saturday brought a whirlwind tour to Trier, the oldest city in Germany, then to Luxembourg and on to France. Despite the cold, it was a very fun day. Sunday gave three opportunities for service - Sunday morning and afternoon at one church and on to our final performance in another. The kids have had a great time - thank you for letting them come be...