God Moves His Servants

First - the GREAT News!

You may remember our last prayer letter outlined the amazing ways God is using grief to draw people to Himself.

We are excited to give you the AWESOME news that Lady #3 (from our October

letter) is now a follower of Jesus! In her words, “I feel lighter, I feel fuller than I ever have”.

Praising God once again!

Next - the SURPRISING News!

There was a song that became popular in churches about 20 years ago called “Trust His Heart”. As we were thinking about writing this news, these lyrics came to mind:

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His Heart

God is leading us to leave South Holly Church - soon. We will finish our responsibilities here by Christmas, have our farewell dinner and say our goodbyes on January 8, and then be done serving at South Holly Church.

This was not in our plan, nor was this our timing, but it is in God’s plan, and we are - once again - grateful for His leading.

Please pray for grace as we - again - say goodbye to a Church Family that we love dearly. We are so grateful it’s not forever, as one day, for those of us that have accepted God’s saving grace, we will worship together in heaven!

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