Quick Update - Sunday
THE CONCERTS WERE SPECTACULAR! The performance in the Basilica was breathtaking, and the closing concert at the school was one of the most moving experiences in my life - in a GOOD way!
Lots more details later, but now we are being picked up by a taxi in 15 minutes to be taken into the city to enjoy our hostel, and our lunch cruise on the Danube. We have a full day planned in the city.
We have some time tomorrow morning to sight see before we board the afternoon plane headed to Lisbon. It has been a wonderful trip - God's blessings abound!
Mrs. Henderson
Lots more details later, but now we are being picked up by a taxi in 15 minutes to be taken into the city to enjoy our hostel, and our lunch cruise on the Danube. We have a full day planned in the city.
We have some time tomorrow morning to sight see before we board the afternoon plane headed to Lisbon. It has been a wonderful trip - God's blessings abound!
Mrs. Henderson