Meet Our "People"


“A” …. is a 25-year-old business professional with a winning, outgoing personality and with whom Rod has developed a good friendship. “A” owns his own business and has a background in marketing. Unless God changes his path, we fully expect him to be a millionaire at a young age. He is that good at what he does, which makes him the perfect person to assist Rod in his plan to present the Gospel to one million hearers.

“S” …. is a 50-something woman who Rod and Susan met through GriefShare. Susan continues to pour into her life, meeting her for lunches. While she was quite open to hearing about Christ for a time, she is now more resistant to the possibility of a relationship with Christ. Still, God continues to place this woman on Susan’s heart, and their relationship continues to deepen.

“G” …. is a 21-year-old intern at South Holly. “G” has an awesome testimony of how God turned his life around in a very dramatic fashion. He not only interns with Pastor Shannon, he is Rod’s “right-hand-guy” in hands-on ministries around the church.

“A” …. is a 32-year-old woman who recently started attending South Holly Church with her 6-year-old daughter. She has an unbelieving husband (we are all praying that will change soon), and recently reached out to Pastor Shannon and his wife asking for an older woman to mentor her.

Regarding her marriage and her parenting, in her words, “I just want to do it right”. What a privilege it is for Susan to fill that role and meet with her, just to chat and be that "older woman mentor”.

“R & J” …. are women that are now helping lead the Ladies Small Group. God put it on Susan’s heart to start this group without any idea of who else would step into leadership alongside her. Within a month, “R” stepped into leadership, and within 2 months, “J” stepped into leadership as well. Ladies Group began the first weekend in February and continues to grow in numbers (27), but, more importantly, in their spiritual connection with Christ. What a joy to see our ladies ministering to one another and pouring into each other’s lives while growing in their relationship with Christ!

“H” …. is a 21-year-old woman that Susan mentored for quite a while. “H” was recently baptized, and Susan was very privileged to be in the baptismal waters to help baptize “H”. What a blessing!!

“C” …. is a young woman who recently came to Christ through the preaching ministry of South

Holly and the ministry of Ladies Small Group. Seeing the difference in her countenance after “C” met Jesus is an unexplainable but cherished memory. “C” hopes to be baptized later this summer.

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