Celebrate with Us! He's Done & South Holly Blessings...
"I think we're there. Our prayers have been answered!"
The words we had longed to hear from Dr. Yakes had been spoken. As of Friday, July 24, Rod's ongoing medical treatments are finished! Yet as we reflect on this journey, we have MUCH to Praise God for!
God allowed us to have a significant ministry with many, many medical personnel. Rod would often be asked - "What do you have to tell me about the Bible today?" One day, a nurse liaison said to us, "We were talking about you before you came in this morning. Why are you always so patient? Why do you never get frustrated with all the schedule changes and long wait times?" Rod's answer - It's God.At one point in the course of treatments, Rod asked if he could pray with Dr. Yakes before his treatment, which he gladly accepted. As a beloved pastor used to tell us, "You can get a lot of gospel in a prayer!" From then on, before every treatment, Dr. Yakes called all the medical personnel in the room together for prayer. At times, those prayers ended in tears - Rod's, Susan's, Dr. Yakes' and others.
God also allowed Susan to minister and pray with many individuals during Rod's treatments. She had an ongoing "waiting-room ministry", sharing the Gospel in significant ways and praying with others for God's healing and comfort in their lives. Recently, there was V., a woman whose boyfriend tried to commit suicide; and M., a lady who was waiting for her step-father's surgery; and A., and young woman who was holding a rosary and praying for her father. At the close of that prayer, A. threw her arms around Susan's neck and said, "I will never forget what you've done for me today." Praise God!
In thinking of a meaningful way to thank the staff of all the different departments that helped care for Rod, God gave him the idea to have each member of the Henderson family write a letter. To our delight, each letter gave thanks not only to the medical staff, but also pointed the readers to God. We were told that our "Thank-You Booklet" was hand carried to the Swedish Hospital Administration to encourage them. May God continue to use it to draw people to Himself.
While we are delighted to be done with this phase of treatments, and delighted to now return to church for worship and work (rather than working from home as we had to be quarantined for the duration of Rod's treatments following the COVID-19 outbreak), we will greatly miss the people we have grown to love and the countless opportunities He has given us to minister at Swedish.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for praying us through this journey!
May His Name be praised for His goodness to us!
May His Name be praised for His goodness to us!
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