Special Medical Update

God’s Clear Hand

We know that God moves and guides and directs our lives every day, but it is a special blessing when we see Him clearing obstacles from our path during  difficult times. He has been doing that for me (Rod) recently.

I was born with a birth defect (it never turns cancerous) which had been asymptomatic until a few years after arriving in Portugal. At first the changes were not much more than a curiosity to me, as it seemed to be making no difference in how I felt.  These last few years it has become problematic.

After seeking medical treatment for 1.5 years in Europe and being unable to find anyone to treat it because my condition is extremely rare, my Portuguese surgeon directed me to the "world's best" provider of the treatments I need. God has opened doors and greatly expedited the application process, as well as providing various types of assistance far beyond any expectations I could have hoped for.

On January 29, I began a series of treatments at the Swedish Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. The routine will be one week in Denver and then 1 to 3 weeks back in Michigan, then repeat this routine until we return to Portugal.  These medical treatments are necessary and will improve my longevity and quality of life.

While we are very grateful God has provided these treatments, this process is and will be exhausting – 1 week in the hospital, 1 week recovery, 1 week before the next treatment.

We covet your prayers during this time and ask that you praise God along with us for His provision.

Rodney and Susan Henderson

PS: If the Lord should lay it upon your heart to assist with airline ticket expenses, totaling approximately $7,500, it would be a tremendous blessing beyond description. Please contact us for more information.

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