Day 3

Today was an amazing day to explore both German and American culture. We had the privilege to hand out fliers in the town of St. Wendel. These fliers were invitations to go come to our concert on Friday night in that same town. We split into three groups and walked all over the town for about three hours passing out the fliers, and putting them in mailboxes. Although this was the only ministry activity we did today, it was extremely important to hand out these invitations. While doing this we were also able encourage the church in St. Wendel. Although I do not speak German, I pray that these people would be open to what God has to say through our attitudes, and our music. I know that God is bigger than languages and culture barriers, and that He can do great things through our group!
Another exciting thing we were able to do today was to visit Ramstein Air Force Base. With enough military chaperones, we were able to go to the mall there, eat an American meal, and shop in their military exchange. It was exciting to be in a little piece of America for just a couple of hours. I guess it’s the little things in life that make me happyJ.
Although today was more of a relaxed schedule, I enjoyed being able to see more of the German culture, and landscape.  It is beautiful here! I love it!
Please continue to pray for our group; that we would be effective in our ministry, and be unified as a group working to further the kingdom of God. The Lord has given me such a great opportunity to be here, and I am enjoying it thoroughly!

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