Team 2 part 2

Hi, Pastor Coon here.  This is my first blog either writing or reading.  So, here we go.  I will start where Alex left off.  We have not been able to connect to the internet because much of our time after Sunday has been spent here at the center and the internet service here is still out of order.  We apologize to those of you that have been eagerly waiting for news from across the pond.
Monday through Friday morning is spent in camp.  We get up at 7:00am to get cleaned up and dressed.  Some are just getting dressed.  We then have two breakfasts.  One with just the team and the other with the campers.  The reason for two, you ask?  The camper’s breakfast is not very appetizing.  They have toast with warm milk poured over it.  Chad can’t take it so we have our own and then just make an appearance at the other.  Chapel  is at 9:30am.  Susan plays the keyboard while “Vickie” leads the songs.  The kids all sing great.  This is followed by a story by a lady that is absolutely fantastic.  We don’t know what she is saying but we know it is great.  Games follow.  This is where we come in.  Chad leads this with our team.  The first session is without water and the second session (afternoon) is all about water.  Our kids are doing a great job participating and leading the games.  All the campers, as well as the camp leaders, are really connecting with our group.  Lunch is at 13:00 (1:00pm).  This is followed by music, drama and crafts.  Crafts is our spot again.  Jennifer leads this with our kids helping.  This too is going very well.  At 15:45 (3:45pm) is the afternoon games.  This is all about water.  Everyone gets wet.  This is why I stay on the balcony watching.  Supper is at 19:00 (7:00pm) followed by Chapel.  Much like the morning chapel.  This is followed by “Crazy Activities.”  This is an activity that is played inside the chapel and is to be of a more quieter sort.  Our group is in charge of this also.  Last night we did the “Midget “ thing.  This is where Alex’s head is placed through a garbage bag and Todd’s hands are around Alex.  In other words…it is Alex’s head with Todd’s hands.  Todd cannot see anything because he is under the garbage bad too.  We then demonstrate the way men get cleaned up in the morning.  Todd does all the work on Alex’s face.   He first, washing the face, brushes the teeth, shaves, then puts on deodorant.  We also called up two counselors to participate with our two men.  It was great.  Tonight is the girl’s turn.
Weather is great, food (except for breakfast) is great, fellowship is great and I am great.  Have a great day.  Bye for now.
Pastor Coon
Here are some comments from the other Team members:
Mikayla – The language barrier isn’t as bad as I thought it would be – it’s easier to communicate with the kids and counselors.
Leah – I had a fantastic time with Pastor Coon today.  He drove me to the chiropractor in downtown Lisbon, and we only got honked at once.
Katie – So far, so good.
Chad – I’m having trouble with the Portuguese language, but there is a Canadian here and I can communicate with him!
Jenny – I had a wonderful lunch with Susan and then enjoyed the company with many in the craft room.
Joyce – It was good to be involved with the crafts and it was wonderful to have the teens translate and take care of the discipline.
Deb – I need chocolate!  I missed the chocolate mousse at lunch today!  I’m having a great time fellowshipping with Susan and Rod.
Alex – I have an 8 year old girlfriend named Elda, and Todd is jealous.
Todd – I have a personal chef – she’s pretty good – she doesn’t hold back – she’s nice – and I don’t have to tip her.
Rod – Chaos is the norm at the camp week.  We’re having fun.
Susan – I have been so blessed by interacting in ENGLISH with our team.  Thank you SO MUCH, Northeastern Baptist Church, for sending both Teams.  They have blessed our socks off.  Come back soon, and come often!

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