Last day here for Team 1
It has been a fulfilling experience, but nothing like we had planned. God has had a different plan for us almost every day, but we are now getting in step with His plan for each day. Today (Friday), we are going to Cascais on the coast, going down the "Marginale" which is a coastal road, doing some last minute shopping, and then having a typical Portuguese meal for lunch. Then it's back to the parks in Arruda (pronounced "a-who-duh") and Loures (pronounced "loh-dish").
The park ministries have been different almost every day, depending on what school children are in the park. Yesterday was a great team effort, with everyone doing a little part of the outreach to a family whose young father (Reuben) is Portuguese and whose young mother (Katia) is Russian. They had two small children, both four years old or less. Fortunately for all of us, they both speak English, so we were able to talk with them for quite a while about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for Katia, who believes in reincarnation and follows an Indian religion (similar to Hinduism), but who was very receptive to learning about the Gospel.
Please also pray for a young mother and her daughter who were in the park in Loures, who spoke only Portuguese but who Lissy and our interpreter, Vicky, talked with for a long time the same day. The little girl was really intrigued by the music and singing, and the mother was quite receptive to listening to the Gospel.
Thank you for all of your prayers. We couldn't do this ourselves, and wouldn't want to do so. We want it t be all for His glory. Continue to pray for Team 2 as they depart today and arrive tomorrow, and for us as we head for home tomorrow. The week for them will be very different, and it will evolve according to God's will just as ours has. The work for the Lord will be different for them, but just as important.
Our prayers will continue to be with the Hendersons, and for some new friends who we have gotten to know here (Sarah, Vicky, Chris and Katrina Herrick and their two children). We have a new sense of the need they all have for encouragement, and for little "victories" along the way. We recognize now more thean ever their need for encouragment from us and to see God's hand in people's lives. Finally, our prayers will continue for the people of Portugal. The hearts of many people here are as hard as the ground around here, but they need a relationship with Jesus just as much as anyone else.
Signing off for the last time over here in Arruda...see you Sunday back in Kalamazoo!
For His glory,
Scott and all of Team 1
The park ministries have been different almost every day, depending on what school children are in the park. Yesterday was a great team effort, with everyone doing a little part of the outreach to a family whose young father (Reuben) is Portuguese and whose young mother (Katia) is Russian. They had two small children, both four years old or less. Fortunately for all of us, they both speak English, so we were able to talk with them for quite a while about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for Katia, who believes in reincarnation and follows an Indian religion (similar to Hinduism), but who was very receptive to learning about the Gospel.
Please also pray for a young mother and her daughter who were in the park in Loures, who spoke only Portuguese but who Lissy and our interpreter, Vicky, talked with for a long time the same day. The little girl was really intrigued by the music and singing, and the mother was quite receptive to listening to the Gospel.
Thank you for all of your prayers. We couldn't do this ourselves, and wouldn't want to do so. We want it t be all for His glory. Continue to pray for Team 2 as they depart today and arrive tomorrow, and for us as we head for home tomorrow. The week for them will be very different, and it will evolve according to God's will just as ours has. The work for the Lord will be different for them, but just as important.
Our prayers will continue to be with the Hendersons, and for some new friends who we have gotten to know here (Sarah, Vicky, Chris and Katrina Herrick and their two children). We have a new sense of the need they all have for encouragement, and for little "victories" along the way. We recognize now more thean ever their need for encouragment from us and to see God's hand in people's lives. Finally, our prayers will continue for the people of Portugal. The hearts of many people here are as hard as the ground around here, but they need a relationship with Jesus just as much as anyone else.
Signing off for the last time over here in Arruda...see you Sunday back in Kalamazoo!
For His glory,
Scott and all of Team 1