Portugal to Ireland 2011
Leah has an exciting opportunity to take a Missions Trip this summer. She, with three other MK teens, has been invited to help with a Vacation Bible School in Ireland during the month of August. Here's the opening of her support letter:
Although Leah already lives on a foreign mission field, she is just like any other teenager who desires to go to a different land and help the foreign missionaries as they serve the Lord. We thank you in advance for your prayers for her and her ministry in Ireland. If you'd like to see her entire letter, please click here: https://docs.google.com/a/abwe.cc/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_bFwOvEIi0SMjEyM2M2ZDEtNTA3Zi00MjIxLThlMjgtYzZiMGJiYzk2MTYw&hl=en
Being a missionary kid myself, I have the opportunity to meet many missionaries from different countries. One of these missionaries, Pastor Jeff Hay serving in Ireland, asked four missionary teens from Portugal to help out with their summer Vacation Bible School. Pastor Hay is the pastor at Balleycullen Community Church, a relatively new church plant just outside of Dublin, Ireland. Their church has no teens, which is why they need the help.I will be going for ten days in August with three other missionary teens from Portugal. The church in Ireland is providing housing and some meals, so my expenses for the trip will be a total of $450.First, please pray for the four of us (Brian, Ana, Louisa, and me) before, during and after our trip.Second, if you would like to contribute to my expenses for the trip, you can send the money to my parents’ permanent address in America where it can be picked up and deposited in my parents’ American bank account. We can then transfer the money here to purchase my plane ticket and pay for my other trip expenses.
Although Leah already lives on a foreign mission field, she is just like any other teenager who desires to go to a different land and help the foreign missionaries as they serve the Lord. We thank you in advance for your prayers for her and her ministry in Ireland. If you'd like to see her entire letter, please click here: https://docs.google.com/a/abwe.cc/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_bFwOvEIi0SMjEyM2M2ZDEtNTA3Zi00MjIxLThlMjgtYzZiMGJiYzk2MTYw&hl=en