Update on Rod's mom - Alma

Susan, Rod, Alma, Joel, Bethany & Leah
Dear friends,

I want to bring everyone up to date on my mother because it has pulled my attention away from my work here in Lisbon ... meaning I haven't kept touch with you lately.
A recap - mom had a massive stroke which lead to the discovery of cancer in her right lung. The cancer in mom’s lung has spread to her brain, causing a “cancer stroke”, which was more debilitating than the first stroke. She is getting weaker daily but there is no timeline given. Whether she has months or minutes, we just don’t know. The family is in the process of discussing what the next steps are.

She is not in pain, praise the Lord, except for soreness from therapy. The use of her right side is limited, at best, and her speech has quickly become more one word responses rather than sentences.

When the doctor told us, mom and us 3 kids, the news the cancer had moved to mom’s brain mom could tell how distraught we all were. What she said to us touched my heart and I want to share it with you – she said “I wish you kids could be happy for me”.

Paul’s words of  “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” have never been lived out so clearly in front of me than now. Mom would not have chosen this time or this way to step into the presence of our Lord but the hope of the believer draws her sight to the gates of Heaven and the glory of our God.

Please continue to pray for mom (Alma Henderson) and for my sister Susie and the rest of our family.

For His Glory,


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