
Showing posts from December, 2024

An Offering

Let’s think back to when the Israelites were taken as captives during the time of  Nebuchadnezzar and Babylonia, circa 586 BC, which then became Persia, which   later became Parthia. Throughout history, God had prepared the Israelites to send the magi from Parthia to give their offering to Baby Jesus, to the King of kings. It was given with “no strings attached”, with no instructions or restrictions. They left it with the Lord, trusting His family to use it as they saw fit, to use it as needed to provide for the family or in   whatever way they deemed best. That’s the journey of the committed Christ-follower, the believer — to offer ourselves to God and let Him use us as He deems best. It’s been our journey — we brought to our Lord the offering of our service and our lives, laying it at His feet to be used as He deemed best. The magi gave their offering, and that’s what we’ve done; we’ve   offered our service, our love and our lives. Scripture doesn’t tell us h...